The most exciting day ever!!!
However I have noting fun to update about.
Of all the days I had here in Amsterdam
I chose this day to document?
Anyway, a promise is a promise.
Here, in chronological order:
wasn't it awesome?
I will do it again another day so you realize that I actually live a pretty fun life when I don't have 2 exams and 3 paper in one week.
Yes, I'm mature
I'm so immature
one of the auther's name is:
couldn't stop giggling.
the toilet test
Ladies, if he's a keeper, he will pass the toilet test.
You invite your man back home to your place.
Because all of the booze you've been pouring him (at least that's how I'll get my men), he needs to make a short visit to "freshen up".
When he's done, oddly enough you excuse yourself to "powder you nose".
- the toilet seat's down
- no spilled fluids on the floor
- you’re cabinet is untouched
- it smells like roses
then you should run out to him and sex him up real good (yeah, that’s how I keep my men).
But if:
- the toilet seat is up
- it looks like the floor is flooded
- there are missing pills from you cabinet
- it smells like tulips
then you should slowly walk out to him and say that you don’t really feel well and start twitching with your head and stomp uncontrolled with your foot (but be careful because that sometimes attracts men, at least for me).
True Love
My lovely teacher
And sometimes Isabel.
Other times Celia.
At least a few times she get's it right.
It's very confusing because I never know when she's talking to me.
But when she looks directly at me and says a name that starts with a C or a S, I'll just answer.
SJ, SJ gamle vän
They've been around the block and know that in Sweden it will snow every winter so precautions are taken.
Always in time.
Finally on the train.
Just had to wait for 1 hour
Big improvements.
Blurry coz it's cold outside.
It's snowing.
-5 C.
Waiting in the cold for the train makes my fingers stiff and shaky.
I blame SJ for this blurry picture.
I will sue you.
I fell asleep
Woke up after my afternoon nap and saw my face in the mirror.
This explains it all.
Lucky me it's was with a permenant marker.
just kidding.
It was all yellow
It's really snowing.
We found this
and we wondered: what is that?
pee? coffee? beer?
I came to think of:
"Min jul ska vara kul.
Min jul får inte vara ful.
Som påsken den är gul, ska min jul vara kul.
Och snön den ska vara vit, och är den gul har någon pinkat på den.
Kanske en"
Google translate, don't you just love it?
"My Christmas should be fun.
My Christmas will not be ugly.
As Easter is yellow, my Christmas will be fun.
And snow it will be white, and is the yellow one has peed on it.
Perhaps a H.. Hu ... Dog .. "
I'm bringing sexy back
rocking the starwars hairdo today.
you can't say I'm not a trendsetter.
My life is so awsome!
I just got back home from this awesome party my friends organized.
Lots of cute guys (well not, coz I have yellow fever, but for the sake of argumet, let say it was).
Nice beverges.
Great friends.
I am now at home.
why? you might wonder.
Yes, why?
Why leave an awesome party with potential hook ups (come on, I'm a Asian chick with a low threshold for alcohol, very single, a bit odd in a corky yet lovable, endearing and charming way, who wouldn't want to hit that? probably not one reasonable guy in the entire world), my closest friends and where the apple juice is flowing?
Well, my dearest, beacuse I'm LAME!
I prioritize waking up, without a hangover, tomorrow at 8 am and go to the library to study so I will pass my exams.
Now I will fall alseep wacthing Gilmore Girls.
Good Night!
Perfect ending on a perfect day
I wish I had this awesome story how I was dragged into this club, by the mafia and I had to win a mud wresteling fight to save the captain awesome.
But this is my life.
I never get dragged into that kind of club.
How I got mud all over my shoes, socks, feet, pants, jacket, hands and face?
You know, one of those days.
I'm so manly
Riesen is a very masculine candy.
In the commercials they always
target the male audience.
This note totally destroyed the joke.
The best jokes are always those
you have to explain afterwards.
Making progress
I've started to read the newspaper*.
*My friends think I'm insane beacuse
I never read any newpapers,
watch the news or has general
all-round knowledge/education.
They say it's pretty ironic beacuse
I study Media and Communications.
Paparazzis ganging up on me
Then I look outside
I can't even go to work without my picture's taken
Housingtrouble in Lund as always
red ball at the gas station
I nearly didn't survive
excited, not suspecting what to come...
ppl are crazy...
Alone again, naturally
It was really crowded in my room, not a lot of space. We drank lots of tea. Cooked great meals.
Now I sit here, alone. Thinking of that time. Reminiscing. with a bowl of rice (yes that rice) and soup. alone.
(I actually really like to live along, being alone. I didn't think it would go very well with my friend living at my place for a couple of days coz I know myself. I don't like company. I hate people (please understand irony). But it was kinda nice but happy to have my room to myself.)